Fairland will be using the same competition leotards / boys uniforms as last year in the 2015/2016 season. We will be ordering new warm-ups for the 2016/2017 Season.
Mandatory Uniform Requirements
Compulsory Level Competition Leotard | Levels 4-7 Girls |
Optional Level Competition Leotard | Level 8 – Elite Girls |
Competition step-in(unitard) | All levels Boys |
Competition pants | All levels Boys (Trampoline only) |
Competition shorts | All levels Boys |
Warm-up | All levels, all athletes |
White socks/trampoline shoes* | All levels, all TR and DMT athletes |
Black Fairland T-shirt | All Level 8- Elite athletes |
Non-mandatory Uniform Requirements
Black Fairland T-shirt | All level 4-7 athletes |
Team Bag / Back pack | All levels, all athletes |
Girls Training Leotard** | All levels |
Boys Training Step-In** | All levels |
* Athletes are required to wear white socks for trampoline and DMT competition. Socks must be all white—no logos, no colored toe seams, no wording, no grey heel/toe—socks must be completely white and be below the ankle (no-show style—not crew style). Socks may be purchased at your favorite retailer. Trampoline shoes are recommended (and typically preferred) for level 8 and up athletes. Trampoline shoes are ordered individually. The pro shop or FTTBC does not sell trampoline shoes. We have found the best price is at www.HawaiiAcademy.com, but can be purchased through your favorite trampoline shoe distributor.
** Training uniforms are optional; however for competitions/events with designated training / equipment familiarization sessions (Fairland Classic, State, Regionals, Nationals, etc), athletes not wearing designated team training uniform, must wear competition uniform.
Specific pricing and ordering information will be disseminated through the closed Yahoo email group.